Millennials Are Healers for Humanity
and the Planet
I was walking on Boswick Island on the Canadian side of the 1000 Islands when an unfamiliar feather caught my eye. The feather turned out to be from a turkey vulture. Being someone who is influenced by nature, I wondered what message this feather was to relay to me. I googled turkey vulture and was amazed at what I discovered and how it related to my work with Millennials. I had no idea vultures were such amazing birds and so supportive of each other and the environment.
I have a great affection for Millennials and for birds, so finding this feather was such a gift I want to share with you in the video below.
The feather’s message validated why I am so drawn to work with millennials. What I discovered about turkey vulture reminded me so much of my positive perspective of Millennials. Watch my video to find out the awesomeness of both millennials and turkey vultures.
If you are curious how I can help live out your purpose as a healing millennial contact me for a free Discovery Session.
Vulture Photo by Casey Allen