Ted talk: We are influenced by our nonverbal expressions. Check it out, great Ted Talk!
We all have experienced stressful situations, and each one of us handles them differently. We communicate how we feel through our nonverbal actions not only to others, but also to ourselves. In other words, if you are sitting down hunched over and closed, you are communicating that you feel upset or powerless. However, if you stand up with arms stretched out with your body open, you are communicating power, confidence and dominance. Amy Cuddy explains this so well and provides evidence to go along with this talk. She shares her personal experience with body language and how important it is that we feel powerful so that we are powerful. What she suggests is fake it until you become it. What she means is, that even if you’re feeling intimidated, make yourself brush off those feelings and pretend that you are smart, that you are powerful, that you will succeed until you don’t have to fake it anymore. YOU can do whatever you want as long as you can communicate to yourself that you CAN in fact, do it.
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