I pretty much lived the unhappy attitudes listed below because these were the beliefs I was programmed with as a child. These were the beliefs and vows of my immediate family and community. To survive and be part of the tribe I had to play by their rules.
In third grade I started my quest and research on personal power, wanting to know how do you get to be powerful, because I wanted to feel empowered. I started by reading Freud and Witchcraft books. (cracks me up-how did I know to do that?)
On a daily basis my life felt out of my control and like a roller coaster ride. Some days things flowed smoothly the way I wanted, and other days it was like I couldn’t get a break. Positive or negative outcomes felt like they were the result of someone flipping of a coin. I felt powerless, not good enough and like a victim. I felt not good enough because if I just knew what to do “the right way”, “was smarter”, “prettier”, “thinner”, “had more money”, “was a male”, or if I didn’t have _____________(fill in the blank).
When I intuitively found John Assaraf in my early 40s, he was teaching business along with the law of attraction and I knew I had to have him as a mentor. I had never heard of anyone in the business world doing this and I was fascinated by both. John educated me about the mind, energy and the Universe’s laws. I learned I had a lot more influence over the results of my life than I had grown up to believe. All of a sudden my life wasn’t as chaotic as usually. I felt more empowered and focused. I was having a higher rate of success manifesting what I desired in my life. It felt magical and yet it was science.
I had no idea I had so much personal power. I thought I was weak and unworthy of the dreams I longed for. I was so pissed off when I found out that others (particularly business men) knew this information and weren’t freely teaching it to everyone!
Why wouldn’t we teach this in school. Why wouldn’t we empower our youth—everyone?
those feelings are energy that is expressed out into the Universal Field and
attracts back to you more opportunities to experience more of what you are feeling and desiring.
Gratitude for prosperity=more prosperity, love attracts more love, fear attracts more fear…
It is an act of Self-love and empowerment.
Up-leveling your mindset improves the results in your life.
This is not a one time deal, it is a life inner job, worthy of your attention, as you are worthy of your desires.
25 Prosperous Mindset Principles
1. Prosperous people believe “I create my life”.
Unhappy people believe “life happens to me”
2. Prosperous people play the money game to win.
Unhappy people play the money game to not lose.
3. Prosperous people are committed to prosperity.
Unhappy people want to be prosperous.
4. Prosperous people think big.
Unhappy people think small.
5. Prosperous people focus on opportunities.
Unhappy people focus on problems.
6. Prosperous people admire other prosperous and successful people.
Unhappy people resent prosperous and successful people.
7. Prosperous people associate with positive and successful people.
Unhappy people associate with negative and unsuccessful people.
8. Prosperous people are willing to promote themselves and their value.
Unhappy people thing negative about selling and promotion.
9. Prosperous people are bigger than their problems.
Unhappy people are smaller than their problems
10. Prosperous people are excellent receivers.
Unhappy people are poor receivers.
11. Prosperous people choose to get paid based on results.
Unhappy people choose to get paid based on time.
12. Prosperous people think “both”.
Unhappy people think “either/or”.
13. Prosperous people focus on net worth.
Unhappy people focus on their working income.
14. Prosperous people manage their money well.
Unhappy people mismanage their money.
15. Prosperous people have their money work hard for them.
Unhappy people work hard for their money.
16. Prosperous people act in spite of fear.
Unhappy people let fear stop them.
17. Prosperous people constantly learn and grow.
Unhappy people think they already know.
18. Prosperous people say “I can!”
Unhappy people think, “I Can’t!”
19. Prosperous people feel & know they are worthy.
Unhappy people feel not good enough and unworthy.
20. Prosperous people feel money empowers people.
Unhappy people feel money disempowers people.
21. Prosperous people choose to be their unique Self.
Unhappy people choose to be poor imitations of someone else.
22. Prosperous people spend time on themselves first to insure that they have the energy and capacity to better serve and inspire others.
Unhappy people put others before meeting their own needs and feeling undervalued, depleted or resentful.
23. Prosperous people ask for what they desire.
Unhappy people focus on what they don’t want.
24. Prosperous people use their intuition.
Unhappy people think they have to know how to do everything.
25. Prosperous people pay attention to what they are feeling.
Unhappy people avoid their feelings.
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