HO! HO! HO! or NO! NO! NO!
I don’t know about you but the holidays can have me bouncing from glee to dread. And the more I thought about what the holiday experience the more I saw how we can feel schizophrenic during the holiday because it brings out the BEST in us along with all our NEEDINESS. I see three areas that can create crazy making moments 1. Money 2. Holiday Trauma 3. Healthy Conscious Pleasure/Fun vs Unconscious self-sabotage Whatever holiday you celebrate, at this time of the year, spending money will create some form of stress for you, whether you have it or not. Because we...
Read MoreWhy 30 Is Not The New 20
Below is a TED Talk Published on May 13, 2013 with clinical psychologist Meg Jay sharing with the audience how important it is for 20-somethings not to throw their 20’s away as disposable time thinking you will accomplish everything in your 30s. She has a bold message for 20-somethings: Contrary to popular belief, your 20s are not a throwaway decade. In this provocative talk, Jay says that just because marriage, work and kids are happening later in life, doesn’t mean you can’t start planning now. I have clients in their 20s and they are realizing that planning is not a...
Read MoreHave You Been Hurt By A Narcissistic Parent?
Having a narcissist parent is one of the most challenging and damaging relationships for a child. It diminishes a child’s self esteem, ability to trust themselves and others, and creates anxiety because they don’t feel safe at their core. It is a very confusing relationship. Not everyone knows what a narcissistic personality is like, so I thought I’d share the toxic results of this relationship and how to deal with one if you have one in your life. Narcissist are dangerous because they lack empathy, have limited capacity for unconditional love and are only interested in...
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