3 Steps to Effectively Go From Debt to Wealth?
It takes a lot to face things that bring us pain. Money is one of those things that majorly stresses us out. But if you spend a little bit of time in the pain with me, I can help you release the fight or flight stress response you experience so you can start to feeling positive energy around your money and new ways to be in relationship with it and yourself. In the audio below, Patricia Ogilvie and myself share the three steps to effectively go from debt to wealth in greater detail. Through multiple exercises we reveal how your past programming with money is influencing how you feel...
Read MorePerfectionist Qualities Saved Us
Hi, I’m Marilyn O’Malley and I’m a perfectionist! It all started when I was four years old and my parents got in a big fight in front of me and I thought it was my fault for having too much fun. Shortly after the fight, my parents divorced and no one explained the disappearance of my father to me. Then my grandmother pulled my little four year old body close to her and looked sternly in my eyes and said, “you’d better be good for your mom or you could lose her too!” Holiest of crap! I became the good girl extraordinary instantly. Being young and...
Read MoreDo You Know Your Saboteur?
Everything was comfortable in my world and then I decide to step up my visibility to grow my business. I hired an assistant and PR person to work with me and don’t you know my saboteur came out swinging big time on me. It started with doubting my abilities to be successful and when that didn’t work she got even more personal it brought up my insecurities about my aging body. I started comparing my cellulite body to younger women’s bodies, making me feel frustrated, not good enough (or I’d fixed it) and sad. I was jealous; I want my younger and cellulite free body back. Now,...
Read MoreSometimes you NEED a kick in the “BUT”, to SOAR
Last week I went to Boston to attend one of my mentors, Margaret Lynch’s Ignite event. One of her presentations on earning strategies for people who need money NOW. She shared how entrepreneurs can get caught up in the details of business and not be taking the important actions that are necessary to make money NOW, because of their money programming. As Sensitive Creatives entrepreneurs growing a passionate business can feel overwhelming, unsafe, and really challenging. We are usually drawn to share our gifts with the world, not attracted to creating a business. So we don’t...
Read MoreLearn How Growing Up With A Narcissist Limits YOU Financially, Professionally and Personally
Get some paper or your journal and a pen and gift yourself this time to start to positively change your relationship with money and yourself! Learn How Growing Up With A Narcissist Limits YOU Financially, Professionally and Personally March 11, 2015 http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventid=67012689
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