Do you have a crazy calling that seems ridiculous and scares the shit out of you? Do you follow it? Or are you just receiving the inspiration right now and thinking, WTF?
I encourage you, like Elza Sakz in the video below, to choose love and trust your inspiration’s value. As challenging as your desired creation may seem to you, it is actually the liberation of your life force energy. If you accept your calling you will grow in ways you never dreamed were possible.
It takes courage to follow your calling, big or small.
I know as I have followed many callings, some happily and others with tantrums. Becoming a healer and psychic when it was not as popular as it is today put me in very vulnerable positions I was not comfortable with.
As a highly sensitive person (HSP), I wanted to blend in rather than stand out. Being a female entrepreneur when there weren’t many of us years ago inspired many women around me to not settle for minimum wage, but to make a life that worked for them. Leaving a comfortable marriage that didn’t support me being me challenged all my fears about love, happiness, and feeling safe.
I’m trusting this six minute video by Elza Sakz, “The Journey” will inspire you to honor your callings and find the courage to follow what you are being called to create in the world. Whether it is to create a family, write a screenplay, empower traumatized children, create a green sustainable environment, design and build a community garden, or move to a new place you know nothing about, trust your calling, your intuition, your inspirations and love yourSELF through the process.
“The Journey to the Unknown” is about Elza Sakz’ calling to create positive change by being a voice for orphans. Her voice radically grew when she took an extreme biking adventure from Panama through all of Central America and Mexico while relying on the goodwill of strangers. Love was her currency.
Her biggest lesson: Love Matters!
Elsa is living a turned-ON life following her calling. She is not letting fear stop her and choosing love to guide her.
What inspirational adventure is calling you?
Be inspiring and go for what is calling you out in your heart and soul.
I know you can do it!
Please share what calling you’re currently following.
The Journey to the Unknown
The Journey to the Unknown from Elza Sakz on Vimeo.
Loving you,