Learn How To Be Happy

Learn How To Be Happy

People are starving for Happiness! 

Ask anyone what they desire and it is usually to be happy or the thing they think that if they acquire it will make them happy.

My natural tendency is to be happy yet I haven’t always chosen it. Yes, I said “chosen it!”
We choose to be happy and it is determined by our perception of the world and our sense of meaning in it.  
The old idea that success creates happiness has been proven incorrect by scientific studies. It has been impressed upon us that if are successful and make others happy, make lots of money, get the girl/guy, the love, the family’s acceptance, the job/career, the house, the car or all of the above were destined to be unhappy. With this definition success is a moving target and shortly lived.
Today we know that:
  1. no one can make you happy it is an inside out job
  2. happiness is a choice
  3. happiness spreads
  4. happiness is an advantage, it makes you more successful
  5. you can raise your happiness levels and have more of it in your life
  6. 10% of happiness is determined by genetics
  7. 90% how your brain processes your experiences
  8. happiness increases with gratitude and positive habits
  9. happiness comes with challenges that show you where your #7. perception is off keeping you challenged instead of happy
  10. happiness happens in the present moment only, THE NOW
  11. perfectionism, worry, resistance and judging shuts down happiness
Grateful for the NOW and the fullness of your life is true Prosperity!
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Proven: 2 Minute Actions for 21 days to Increase Your Happiness
  1. Smile and say hello whenever you can
  2. When you wake up say 3 things you are grateful for. Something new all the time.
  3. Think of one meaningful thing that happened and journal about it for 2 minutes or more.
  4. Compliment someone in person, via email, FB, phone….
  5. Meditate: watch a candle flame or your breathe and when your attention drifts just bring it back to flame with no judgments, just noticing. 
  6. 15 minutes of fun aerobic exercise

Loving you,

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