What makes me different from many other coaches is that I practice and live what I teach. I give you all the knowledge and tools to successfully manage your life. What I teach, coach and share with you has lead me to living my turned-ON love-filled life.
I walk my talk.
I have been mentored, coached and trained every year since I started coaching in 2002. I know the importance of what I do and I wouldn’t be where I am today without my commitment to my own personal and professional growth.
As a coach, spiritual healer and intuitive, I can tune into your energy and help you resolve hidden issues more quickly than on your own. I can read energy and work with energy tools to help facilitate your mind/body/spirit transformation and healing. I will teach you how to use your intuition and work with your energy, so you have powerful tools to work with for the rest of you life.
I KNOW what it is to live a healthy & harmonious life
filled with love.
As a sensitive creative entrepreneur, I practice daily living managing my stresses and overwhelm. I’m a recovering perfectionist. I enjoy pleasures and live on purpose most of the time.
I have implemented productive and effective structures and systems to make my life more creative and effective! I understand what it takes for a creative to thrive instead of just survive. Structures and systems won’t take away your creativity but will enhance it. I help you feel empowered to stand out and make your impact in the world.
I am a spiritual healer
I work on my inner life to create greater connections to mySELF, others, nature and the Universe/God/Source. I live a wealthy life from this spiritual whole-life-practice with a life partner, a thriving coaching practice, great friends, playtime, creative time, adventures, me-time and a healthy relationship with money. I can guide you to meet your goals and create your passions because I am doing it and know what it takes.
I have extensively studied how the mind & brain works
With over 30 years as a health professional under my belt, I work daily with the mind-body-spirit connection, the 7 chakras, childhood programming and vows. I studied psychology, the Laws of the Universe and the Law of Attraction, perfected my technique of EFT Tapping and Energy work, and have built and expanded on my Intuition. I studied the topics and interrelationships of relationships, happiness, success, perfectionism,shame, guilt, addiction, the feminine & masculine energy, art, entrepreneurial business, prosperity and spirituality!
I am a certified life coach trained at The Coaches Training Institute
In addition, I am also a Transformation Expert and certified Tapping Into Wealth Coach by Margaret Lynch with over 6000+ hours of working with highly sensitives and creative entrepreneurs and professional clients.
Combining my professional education and experience with my life experiences of raising a family, leaving a 24-year marriage to find authentic happiness, and taking my passion and turning it into a thriving business make me a dynamic and successful leader, coach and spiritual healer.
I know I can help you live your authentic life and fulfilling your dreams. Call me to schedule your complementary, no strings attached DISCOVERY SESSION to find out what is holding you back from success and wealth
(805) 883-8598